Jackie Dandelion is an artist and transformational worker. She intends to serve rebels, mystics, and sweethearts with validating, empowering resources.

She hosts in-person Family Constellations workshops and retreats, lending warmth, depth, and mysticism to the practice.

As an artist, she loves to paint directly on functional objects that become part of the sensory landscape. Engaging with esotericism, playfulness, girly luxury, and maximalism, she is delighted by creating talismans of beauty and power. She studied textile design and studio arts at MICA, SUNY New Paltz, and FIT.

Jackie sees individual healing and self-acceptance as a contribution toward dismantling systems of oppression, aiding collective transformation, and building a more healthy and beautiful world.

Attending Family Constellations circles for five+ years before beginning facilitator training gave her a deep appreciation for the work and time to experience the unfolding effects in her own life. Constellations gave her a sense of liberation and deep self-acceptance, and continues to empower and enrich her life in countless ways. Learning facilitation from Nick Werber was a deep honor, and she hopes to continue the lineage of this work in the grounded and generous way she was fortunate enough to receive it.

After ~14 years as a massage therapist and energy worker, with training and experience in countless healing practices, holding space for healing has been a big part of her life. As a double Aquarius (& Leo rising) with the “Left Angle Cross of Revolution” life theme, holding space for transformation is a natural gift. She’s a big astrology nerd and excited to combine astrology and constellations in future workshops!